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Counter design for Wild and Soft


For the trade fair at Maison & Objet in Paris 2019, Wild and Soft asked me to design a counter for them.

The counter had to be round in shape, easy to disassemble, and wide enough for two people to fit in the middle. Under the countertop there needed to be enough room to fit a small refrigerator and the various products for sale during the trade fair.

I decided on a simple round design with four quarters that could easily be bolted together. One of the quarters was narrower than the others so that when assembled there was a gap for a person to fit through.

After initial sketches on paper for the shape I went on to start designing in SketchUp so I could draw the correct dimensions. This also made it easier for the pieces to be cut by machines to the right measurements.

I aided in the assembly and once it was completed, I painted the countertop black and leopard print faux fur was applied to the outside as a finishing touch ready for the trade fair.

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